8 and 9 September 2022
Siena - Italy
Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences (TLS)
Strada del Petriccio e Belriguardo 35
Siena, Italy
(updates will be published here)
Thursday 08 September 2022
09:00 Registration and Welcome
09:30 Biorisk control measures in high pathogens propagation assays
Margherita Leonardi e Eleonora Molesti
VisMederi Research Srl (Siena)
10:15 The management of (bio)safety in a complex clinical research facility: experience in
reviewing and disseminating the “rules of the game”.
Neva Pasqualini e Filippo Caremoli
IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele (Milano)
11:00 Coffee Break (e Poster session)
11:30 It's not a tetris-game! Managing opposing research activities in the same BSL-3
Lara Manganaro e Lorena Donnici
Fondazione Istituto Nazionale Genetica Molecolare, INGM (Milano)
12.15 Containment and management of genetically modified mosquitoes in a confined
Alessia Cagnetti
PoloGGB (Terni)
13:00 Network lunch (and Poster session)
14:30 Parallel Sessions
Workshop A - Principles of ISO 15189 on the quality and competence of biomedical
Isabella Ponzanelli
Istituto di Oncologia Molecolare, IFOM ETS (Milano)
Workshop B - The 10 most common mistakes that should not be made when
designing high biocontainment facilities
Luca Nelli
BioConsulting-LN® & Biosafety4C®
Workshop C - Biosafety in in-vivo experiments
Massimiliano Bardotti
Fondazione TLS
17:30 Closing 1st day of the conference
18:00 Guided tour of the historic centre of Siena
(free admission - advance registration - free event)
Friday 09 September 2022
9:00 Biorisk Management Advisor: Education and Competences. A New Profession is Born?
Dionysis Vourtsis
International Federation of Biosafety Association (IFBA)
09:30 The role of the Competent Physician in the assessment of biological risk and the
importance of vaccination practice in the occupational context.
Laura Burgalassi
GSK Vaccines (Siena)
10:15 Development of an integrated environmental monitoring protocol for SARS-CoV-2
contamination. Applications at the IRCSS Policlinico San Martino in Genoa
Dimitri Sossai
IRCCS Policlinico San Martino (Genova)
11:00 Coffee Break (and Poster session)
11:30 The laboratory on a mission. Biohazard management in the field
Concetta Castilletti - IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria (Negrar, VR)
Francesca Colavita - INMI Spallanzani (Roma)
12:15 Occupational risk exposures in a multidisciplinary research context in the Alpine
Maurizio Gretter
Eurac Research (Bolzano)
13:00 Best Poster Award Ceremony
13:15 Closing of Conference and Network lunch
14:00 IFBA professional certification examination
(only for those who apply in advance at https://internationalbiosafety.org or IBP)
with the support of